The 're-do' of my screened in porch was the last room of the house to get refreshed- a year and 4 months later... Small home renovations has become a hobby of mine- a SLOW and steady hobby of mine. Nonetheless, this room that once housed a hot tub coated in black walls complete with gummed-up peel-n-stick tile flooring, was transformed to my favorite hangout (over a span of 5 slow months!)
View of the french doors leading to the guest bedroom- Charlie made himself at home with his blocks...
I reused the rattan roman shades to save on money- I simply restrung the pulley system and hosed them off.
Black walls...Not quite sure what look the previous homeowners were going for-:) 
Finished!!! Complete with a paint job for the fish!
Andrew, Ben's brother, put his expertise to work by 'hot-roding' the King Salmon I caught up in Alaska a few years back
Proof that I DID catch the 55 lb fish! It took me 30 minutes to reel it in- our guide refused to help!
Proof that I DID catch the 55 lb fish! It took me 30 minutes to reel it in- our guide refused to help!
So who wants to come visit while Ben's in Iraq???