Monday, July 28, 2008


This pool is the 2nd of 3 (and counting), of which I have purchased spanning a 2 month period. This pool only lasted 2 days before succumbing to an air leak- most likely resulting from 2 wild and crazy kids. The first pool was photographed earlier on this blog- that pool was rendered disfigured and deformed by the sun and much too large (a 10' diameter!!) to be regularly filled and dumped each day. So by this rational, the 3rd pool is a charm...right??? The third pool has yet to be photographed but is continuing to hold up nicely to the ways of childhood. I soon will have tried and tested ALL the kiddie pools on the market today. Any favorite kiddie pools out there?????


They say by the third child, one receives less in baby shower gifts, a nearly blank baby book, and little recorded in way of photos or video in regard to significant milestones- (first poopy diaper, first diaper rash, etc...) Charlie almost became part of that infamous statistic when I realized Harrison and Reese's photos far outweighed that of their 3rd brother, by at least 4 to 1. So without further ado...

Isn't he just adorable??? He finally decided to come out of his 'newborn' shell to crack a smile coupled with a true 'belly' laugh which then inevitably lead to hiccups

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Charlie at 3 months!

Charlie at 3 Months- his eyes closely resemble his big brother's
Harrison gladly takes on the role of prankster toward his unsuspecting little brother
Charlie pays tribute to his Uncle Andrew by sporting a 'Pimp my Strolla' onesie
Reese loves her naptime...she attemps to catch some 'shut-eye' on the coffee table (although her eyes aren't shut...hmmm)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Picking Blueberries

Another family outing to add to our list of "things to do before Ben leaves for Iraq," was to pick blueberries at a local farm(?) patch(?) field(?) - whatever the correct terminology. Needless to say, I had a vision of family bonding among berries and enjoying the great outdoors...who would have thought this fantasy of family fun would end in crying children. Of course it ends in crying children. It ALWAYS does!! Although these pictures depict a happy family, it was only moments before it 'rained on my parade.' The hot sun, humidity, fruit flies, a starving baby and the failure to realize 'actual time to pick a GALLON of berries' all contributed to everyone's misery.

Note Harrison's one gallon bucket with a single blueberry ( you got a long way to go, buddy!)

Trying to simulate 'having a good time'
In all actuality, having a miserable time added to our memories, good or bad- and it makes for a great story. The End

Wild Adventures Continued...

These pics were hiding on Ben's i-phone of Harrison at Wild Adventures.
Harrison, checking in on the sharks at Wild Adventures Park

He ate EVERY bite!