Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The moment my little boy becomes a kid

Last week our family of five traveled via plane, (no easy feat) to attend Ben's youngest brother's wedding in Laramie, Wyoming (Congrats Andrew and Jill!). We had a great time visiting with family and friends and at the same time worn out- dividing time among family, friends, schedules, parties, appointments, diaper changes, feedings, naps (the latter three pertained to my children!) and so on... let's just say we're relieved Andrew is the last and final brother of 5 to get married. Let's not forget about the youngest sister, Hannah- she's just starting high school so we have a little time to recoup. Amongst the hustle and bustle I was able to snap a couple of shots of the handsome and distinguished ring bearers (cousin Cody and Harrison) and the adorable and sassy flower girls (cousin Cali and Reese).


Anonymous said...

Oh, he's so grown up...and then there's little ReeseyPiece looking like an angel.

Unknown said...

these are great pics Cat. Your blog is great. Keep it coming.