Tuesday, November 4, 2008


"The Great Pumpkin" Charlie... Martin

Getting 3 children to smile and pose for the camera is just about impossible!
Eating corndogs just before the big game- Halloween, that is.
Harrison is having a hard time getting his web to work... Reese is standing by, 'cheering' him on!
"Go web, GO!"- says Spider-man
"Go Broncos, GO!"- says the cheerleader

I see a pumpkin in the stroller, but no sign of Charlie!
Charlie looking bored...Ben looking handsome!
I love my lil' punkin!
Reese loves to, "ZUMP! ZUMP!" in the bounce house!
One of several 'bounce houses'- the steeper, the better!!
He asked for, "A black spider"- he got a 'yellow doggy' (balloon)!
Fishing for candy
Helping himself to a handful of candy

If you look close- Harrison made the shot!!
Charlie askes, "Are we done yet???"
This shot taken just minutes before the candy crash- take note of the blank stare and the dilated pupils


Kirsten Gardzelewski said...

You guys have the cutest family! I think Charlie looks a lot like Harrison, and Reese and those little ringlets melts my heart!:) We miss you guys, wish you still lived closer so Harrison could teach Charlie and Asher some tricks of the trade of a being a boy (like making a butt shield) how clever is that!:) Hope to see you guys soon!

Melissa said...

I'm SO happy you got your new camera and computer up and working. The kiddos look super cute in their Halloween costumes! Hope you guys are doing good and happy that Ben made it back safely!

Mel and Cary

The Bryans said...

I love your picture blogs! Your kids are too comical! :)

The Line of David said...

Your hair looks so good Cat! The kids are adorable as always...I'd love to see some pictures of the inside of your house if you get a chance.

Anonymous said...

Just too cute for words...how much of that candy is left?