Can you spy Comet in this pic??? (Please don't be destracted by the adorable curls!)
We also visited the Most Famous Reindeer of All!
(Charlie, with his signature look...)

Take note of Charlie in this shot!!! They say by the 3rd child, he/she by nature is more relaxed than his/her siblings... I find this to be very true in our case!

My boys!
Decking the halls!
Santa's other lil' helper!

This lil' Santa helper has been put on the naughty list...


Here she is 'kissing' the ornament!
Great pics Cat. Charlie is a big boy. Good pictures of Harry and Reese too. You have good lookin kids. It is true what you said about the third child. They tend to be more relaxed...and more handsome...and smarter..and..and..and...
Thank you for the pictures of the kids (santa's helpers). WHAT have you done with those drapes?!!!(Behind the tree). Let me get you new ones when I come visit. I received my $2,400.00 snowmaking machine so that Ava and Luke can have a white Christmas.
I love looking at your family you all are absolutly beautiful!! You are making the best memories with family and thats what life is all about. I cant wait to come vist.We love you out here in Kentucky. Ashley
ALL the photos are fabulous, but my favorite has to be the one of Harrison with the Santa hat pulled down over his face.
I'm iced-in here in OK. The road to Tulsa is covered with a sheet of ice. Sure do hope I make it to GJ before your brother and his family get there.
Oh, an I noticed we have a new snow making machine...and I need a new micro-wave. Go figure.
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