Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Getting Back to Normal- Part 2 (What is'normal,' anyway?)

Okay, so I haven't updated my blog in quite some time...but I have an excuse! My picture camera broke and our house was burglarized- and so I had no computer on which to blog. (What the robbers didn't know, was that the camera they stole didn't work anyway! (He, He!)) Although, I am very sad that we lost ALL our pictures- they were either on the computer, the external hard drive, or the camera memory stick, itself. The burgulars took all of that, plus 2 TVs and 2 printers! I am put back together again, and Ben and I have since learned our lesson and have made major improvenments to the security and privacy of our home. I dare them to try it again! The silver lining to this dark cloud is my new and improved camera! I have been reading up and testing out all the new bells and whistles! Have a look!

"I'm Black Spider-Man!"
"Go web, GO!" Can you guess this masked crusader?
It's Reese!!
Playing around with the 'sepia' function on my new camera
This is the black and white function! (I think...) Reese posing for the cameraJust looking adorable as ever!Charlie at about 6 1/2 months- I'm starting to lose track...Just hangin' out- it's hot in Georgia!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Getting Back to Normal...

Sorry to those of you who hold your breath daily in anticipation of new posts with candid shots of my kids doing 'the darnedest things' - but I took a 2 month hiatus from blogging. Things were out of the norm while out in Colorado but now the entire family is now back in Georgia (Ben included!) and we're getting back into the swing of things. Harrison started preschool and Friday he will be visiting the fire station and learning fire safety! Reese is adorable as ever and Charlie loves to eat. He keeps getting bigger...and bigger...! The not so good news is that I had an incident that rendered my camera virtually inoperable, but an occasional shot is captured, though it may be blurry or discolored. But there is a silver lining to this cloud... I get a new camera for my birthday (I hope!) Those of you who enjoy my blogging photos, and want to see it continue, can send cash donations to my camera fund! (He He!) As state earlier, Ben did return home safely and there are pics out there to prove it! Check out Kathy's blog located on my favorite blog links under: anecdotes, antidotes... for pictures (the post is below the breast cancer awareness tributes.) Thanks for being loyal visitors to this blog site and it will soon be back in business...